VA Disability Calculator Updated for 2023

How to Calculate Your Combined VA Rating?

Disabled veterans can use our VA Disability Rating Calculator to instantly calculate their combined VA disability rating in a few simple steps.

Select Physical Disabilities

Select Disability Percentage



Your New Disability Rating if approved & based on the criteria you selected.



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$ .00    

Potential Monthly VA Disabilty Increase Amount.

Over Time It Adds Up!

Earnings After 1 Year: $0

Earnings After 5 Years: $0

Earnings After 10 Years: $0

Earnings After 20 Years: $0

Earnings After 30 Years: $0

How the VA Rating System Works:


Your combined VA disability rating number is your most important score.

Every service-connected disability will receive a rating of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, or 100%.

The higher your VA rating score, the more benefits you’ll receive. It could be the difference between thousands of dollars and millions of dollars.

Example, a 10% VA rating is worth just under $170 per month, while a 100% VA rating can be worth more than $3,500 per month.

Your final rating score depends on the severity of your disabilities: the impact it has on your life and ability to work.

Some disabilities impact you more than others and therefore may be a higher rating score then others.

If you only have one disability, then the rating for that disability and the rating for your total disability will be one and the same.

However, most Disabled in Service Veterans have more than one service-connected disability.

Here is how the VA considers all of these disabilties to wind up with one combined VA rating percentage?

If you receive several ratings for corresponding disabilities, they will not just be added together in a cumulative nature.

If you are rated at 70% for PTSD and 50% for Sleep Apnea, you won’t be 70% + 50% = 120% disabled.

It is physically impossible to be more than 100% disabled.

The VA starts with your highest overall rating, multiplies the next highest rating into the previous one, adds it on, and so on.

In the example, the VA would take the highest rating first, the 70% for PTSD.

According to that number, they would assume that 100% − 70% = 30% of you is still “healthy.”

Then they multiply that remaining 30% by the rating for your Sleep Apnea disability, which is 50%.

Take 50% of 30% and you wind up with 15%.

Add that 15% onto the original 70%, and you wind up with an 85% total disability rating, which would be rounded up to a 90% combined VA disability rating.

The process continues for each disability remaining from highest to lowest.

Now that you understand it, you can see how someone could have five or six disabilities, however, if they’re all low value, the rating won’t come anywhere close to 100%. We assist with finding some 70s, 60s, 50s, 30s, etc.

Use our FREE VA Rating Estimate Calculator above to see if you are getting what you deserve!

At Blue Circle Group for Veterans, we understand how to best navigate the complexities of VA disability ratings, we’re here to help. 

It may seem like a complex process, but our team is experienced in guiding veterans like you through it. We are dedicated to helping you claim the full benefits you deserve.

Join us at Blue Circle Group for Veterans and let us simplify the VA Rating System for you. Together, we’ll ensure that you receive the support you need.


Blue Circle Group, PMA is NOT an accredited agent, VSO, attorney, or entity recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Blue Circle Group, PMA does NOT assist veterans with the preparation, presentation, or prosecution of VA disability claims for VA benefits. Veterans shall prepare and file their own claim or work with an accredited representative, many who offer services for FREE. Veterans may search for and appoint an accredited VSO. Veterans may also search and find Accredited Attorneys and Claims Agents. By using this website or the Blue Circle Group VA Claims Program, it is acknowledged there are completely FREE services available to assist veterans with VA disability claims for VA benefits. Veterans always have the option to utilize the free services provided by entities such as National Service Organizations (e.g., DAV, VFW, AMVETS, American Legion, among many others), Service Organizations, State Sponsored Veteran Service Officers, and/or the paid services of VA accredited agents or attorneys. Utilization of Blue Circle Group, PMA’s website or services is NOT required to submit a claim for VA disability benefits, and you may achieve a positive VA disability claim outcome with these other free or paid organizations. Information listed on this website, including but not limited to, success percentages, disability rating increases, and processing timelines are averages and not specific to any one claim. Blue Circle Group, PMA MAKES NO GUARANTEE OF RESULTS BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR OUR SERVICES AND YOUR INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY. Under no circumstances does Blue Circle Group, PMA, provide medical or legal advice. This website is solely for marketing purposes and contains no medical or legal advice.